Georgia's Premiere Note Investing Firm
Land-lording on Steroids

About Us

A Good Foundation LLC is a Georgia-based national Real Estate Note Buying Firm that works with Investors to assist them in re-positioning their retirement accounts (IRA, 401k, etc), brokerage accounts, and bank accounts from under performing stock market (and other) investments to real estate-backed Note Investments.
A Good Foundation LLC, employs investment strategies — both innovative and traditional — that are calculated to achieve maximize returns for our Investors, while simultaneously providing all other stakeholders with the best resolution possible under the circumstances.
Contact us today to learn more about investing in Notes, or to request more information on the A Good Foundation LLC Investment Program.

Investing with Us
Although it is never possible to guarantee a particular outcome in any business deal, we endeavor to provide our Note Investors with opportunities that offer an attractive balance of potential returns and risk, as compared to other competing and available investment opportunities.

How we get our Notes
We assist banks, other institutional lenders, and private (seller financed) lenders in removing under-performing, non-performing, or other unwanted loans from their portfolios.

How we help Homeowners
We work with owners of distressed properties to find a solution which, in appropriate cases, will allow a homeowner to retain the distressed property, improve the homeowners credit rating through a record of on-time payments, and prevent foreclosure and eviction actions.